Nyc Pba Contract Update

NYC PBA Contract Update: What You Need to Know

The New York City Patrolmen`s Benevolent Association (PBA) recently reached a tentative contract agreement with the City of New York. The agreement, which covers the period from 2017 to 2022, includes a number of important changes for police officers in the city.

Here`s a rundown of the key provisions in the new contract:

Salary increases: The agreement provides for retroactive salary increases for PBA members dating back to August 1, 2017. The increases vary depending on the officer`s rank and years of service, but average out to about 2.5 percent per year. There are also future raises built into the contract, with increases of 2.25 percent in 2020 and 2.5 percent in 2021.

Health care coverage: The contract includes improvements to health care coverage for PBA members and their families. Specifically, the agreement increases the city`s contribution to health care premiums for active members and retirees. It also creates a new wellness program that will incentivize officers to participate in health screenings and other preventative measures.

Disciplinary procedures: The new contract includes changes to the disciplinary procedures for NYPD officers. Under the agreement, officers will have greater access to lawyers during disciplinary proceedings, and will be provided with more detailed reasons for any disciplinary action taken against them. The contract also creates a new „early intervention“ program to identify officers who may be at risk for disciplinary issues before they escalate.

Sick leave: The contract provides for a new „family sick leave“ provision, which allows officers to use their sick time to care for ill family members. The agreement also extends the period of time that officers can use sick leave, from 90 to 120 days.

Vacation time: The new contract increases the amount of vacation time that officers receive. Under the agreement, officers with 20 years of service or more will receive an additional week of vacation time.

Overall, the new contract is seen as a positive development for PBA members and their families. It provides much-needed salary increases, improved health care coverage, and greater protections against disciplinary action. The contract still needs to be ratified by PBA members and approved by the New York City Council, but it is expected to be approved in the coming weeks.