Vocabulary for Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

As a copy editor, it`s essential to understand the language and vocabulary that we use to express agreement and disagreement. Whether it`s in a business meeting, a casual conversation, or in written communication, knowing how to convey your opinion correctly is crucial.


When expressing agreement, we use language that shows we are in alignment with someone`s viewpoint. Here are some of the most common phrases used to express agreement:

1. I completely agree.

2. That`s a great point.

3. I couldn`t agree more.

4. You`re absolutely right.

5. I agree wholeheartedly.

6. That`s exactly my thinking as well.

7. I see things the same way you do.

8. You`ve expressed my thoughts perfectly.


When expressing disagreement, it`s essential to use language that shows we are not in agreement with the other person`s viewpoint while still remaining respectful. Here are some of the most common phrases used to express disagreement:

1. I`m sorry, but I don`t see it that way.

2. I respectfully disagree.

3. I`m not entirely convinced of that.

4. That`s an interesting perspective, but I have a different opinion.

5. I understand what you`re saying, but I have to disagree.

6. I see where you`re coming from, but I have to disagree.

7. I`m afraid I don`t agree with you on that.

8. While I appreciate your point of view, I have to disagree.

Using these phrases allows us to express our thoughts and communicate our opinions effectively. It`s crucial to remember that, while it`s okay to disagree, it`s important to remain respectful and maintain a positive tone in the conversation.


In conclusion, as a copy editor, you must understand the language and vocabulary we use to express agreement and disagreement. Using these phrases correctly can help you have successful conversations and written communication while maintaining respect and professionalism. Whether you agree or disagree, your words matter, and how you express yourself is essential. Keep these phrases in mind, and you`ll be on your way to clear and concise communication.